Experimenting With Makeup During February Break
I am currently writing this while on February break. (I won’t be by the time this blog is up)
Since I haven’t had to get up at 5:50 every morning I have had the leisure to do my makeup! 😀 I finally got to use this Color Pop palette I bought a few weeks ago to give my summer looks some extra spunk!
It has all the colors I will ever need! And it has glitter! It really is perfect for me since I don’t usually want to do makeup with my more girly and feminine looks. I really like how it has glitter in different shades of each color, so if I want to do a blue makeup look, I don’t have to buy a whole bunch of different palates.
So I think I finally found my go to makeup look. I am very new to this whole makeup thing because most days I don’t even bother putting concealer under my eyes. For context I only really use concealer when doing a makeup look to (mostly) conceal my dark circles because they are my biggest insecurity. Plus nobody at high school gives a 💩 about what other kids are wearing. Kids going to school in their pajamas is a normal and unproblematic thing where I’m from. Ignore how messy my hair is. I went in the hot tub and ever since my hair has not been the same! I can’t do anything about it because I didn’t pack my shampoo. 🤷🏼♀️
I kind of got sidetracked there….
I wore this makeup look with two of my outfits. It’s just blue eyeshadow on my lid and then blue glitter on the space between my brow and my lid. I really love it! It feels so 2000s to me for some reason.
Here are the two outfits I wore it with. I feel like the blue glitter is more appropriate with my blue and purple outfit, because the other outfit is more preppy. However, you can’t really tell that I used blue glitter from far away. It just makes my eyes look sparky, which is why I chose to go ahead with blue glitter on my second outfit.
The reason why I love this look so much is because it makes me look cute and it shows that I am a fashionista who makes an effort to be stylish, all without making me look or feel like I put in a lot of effort to be an Instagram model. Does that make sense? I don’t know if it does. I feel like people who cake their face full of makeup and spend hours doing eyeshadow and contour and stuff(which looks edited when I see it on Insta by the way) come off as people who are making a fool of themselves trying to get social brownie points. Where this look really didn’t take too much effort, it doesn’t look like it did (seeing as I didn’t cake my face with makeup), but it also shows that I’m a fashionable lady!
I feel like whenever I do makeup my lashes become less noticeable. I want them to be more noticeable and feminine, however I am afraid of fake lashes. First off I feel like I would have to waste a TON of money until I found the lashes of my dreams. Secondly, I heard from my cousin that some people get infection from fake lashes.😨 THIRDLY, I am uncomfortable with the prospect of putting glue on my eye. I brought mascara that I could have used, but I subconsciously rub my eye. So wearing mascara puts me at risk of ruining my whole makeup look! Somehow whenever I wear mascara it manages to get above and below my eye, even if I can’t recall rubbing it!
I’m going to add to this with other makeup looks that I try over February break, what I wore with them, and what I think about them. Toodles!
Next Day…
So one thing I learned yesterday is what happens to makeup under the sun…😕
It gets dry and messed up. I don’t have any photos, but I had to retouch my makeup three times yesterday. Maybe I should invest in some setting powder or sun proof makeup 🤔 Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures of my makeup when it looked like that. It was bad though!
Today I had some time to relax so I decided to experiment with makeup! I wanted my makeup to match my outfit. I chose a sandy yellow to go on my inner eye and then fade into a golden glitter.
I’m not as happy with this look as the one I did yesterday. I feel like this look looks better on my left eye (right in the photo) than my left. I also feel like I didn’t blend it enough.
I wore it with this outfit. I am mad because my black beret was left at home!😭 It was the highlight of my outfit. I carried it with my stuff around the house and when the car came to take us to the airport it was gone! I ran around the house twice and I could not find it!
My Pink Outfit, Cute, But Incomplete Without My Beret:
So I just held my mom’s phone and my IPhone X side by side and took a photo of my makeup. HOLY SMOKES the difference is insane. I was feeling so insecure until I took the photos with my mom’s phone!
Next Day…
So I just got back from breakfast. I got a major sunburn on my nose yesterday and tried to use makeup to cover it up a little bit. It still shows through a little but I think it’s okay. Today I am wearing one of my Barbie outfits, (without the winter accessories ofc) so obviously I went for a pink makeup look to go with it. I like it because it feels toned down but the glitter on top keeps it cute. I noticed in the pic I took at breakfast that the glitter looks more prominent on one of my eyes so I will have to touch it up later.
Next Day…
My hair is dead. It gets progressively worse everyday. It’s just so oily and sticky😖 However at breakfast today I sat across from a mirror and I noticed I looked like I had beach hair. So it looks okay for Florida but when I’m gonna have to do some SERIOUS washing before school! Anyway, I wore the same blue and purple outfit again today. I wanted to wear my pink outfit but it feels so incomplete without my beret😞 I didn’t want to do the same blue makeup again so I decided to change things up. I did two shades of purple, but tbh you can’t really tell, especially from farther away. I put the shade Selfie on the inner lid and Express on the outer lid. I then put the blue glitter (Kaleidoscope) on top of it and on the rest of my eye. I am very happy with this look. I think it goes better with this look than my previous eye makeup.
Next Day…
I started the day wanting to do a green makeup look to match my outfit. However I was rushed and it came out really bad. Luckily it was not very noticeable because my hooded eyes covered most of the mistakes. So after we came back from breakfast I had nothing better to do so I figured I would redo my makeup entirely.
Yesterday I bought this cute sheer top from a boutique. I decided that now is the perfect time to do some experimentation and that I should play around with makeup to find something that matched my top. I AM IN LOVE with how it turned out!!! I honestly was expecting my first attempt to be a flop, so I was surprised when my first attempt looked cute in the mirror. First I took the shade Realist and blended from the inner part of my lid to the center of my lid. Then I put on the shade of Art Deco right next to it. I put the shade Retro Dream from there to the outer edge of my lid. I then started lightly blending all my eyeshadow starting from that shade going towards Realist. Lastly I added the glitters. I used the shade Lucky Charm and put it on my crease and brow bone starting above Retro Dream and moving towards Realist. I did the same but vice-versa for the shade Prismatic. Now comes the task of getting this exact look on my other eye…
I am not sure if I will wear my new top today. I don’t have any white tops to wear under it. I might wear my blue crop top under it since the blue won’t be too noticeable, and also because my makeup would be the highlight of the outfit. I would only do this if my mom brought an extra pair of jean shorts because I don’t have any matching pants.
(It’s the floral top)The outfit I described above isn’t my go to outfit. It’s cute but it lacks liveliness. I want to be a lively, happy and carefree person. I want my outfit to reflect that. I am happy to wear the above mentioned just so I can have an outfit that matches my makeup, but in the future I wouldn’t style this top like that. I want my outfit to be less generic and typical and more interesting and out of the ordinary. I haven’t figured out how I am going to style it yet. I’ll probably post on my Pinterest when I do. Anyway, this will be my last makeup look because I leave tomorrow morning 😭, thanks for reading if you’ve read this far. Ignore the concealer on my lip!
Random note: I’ve grown so accustomed to seeing these over the top, professional, highly edited, makeup photos on Instagram. The thing is: When do you ever see people wearing makeup like this on the street? Whenever I see someone wearing makeup it is usually something that is more similar to what I have been experimenting with: Basic makeup that’s not very well blended, the type of stuff you would get made fun of for posting on Instagram. To do this type of makeup, feel confident with it, and even get a few compliments was refreshing. It felt great. It almost makes me want to do makeup more often, if I can get up early enough of course! 🙈
Other Note: I just want to clarify that when I say I am going to “update this post” I don’t mean that I am going to post something and then keep coming back to edit that post. I pre-write all my posts in Google Docs and add to that Doc as time goes on. Everything you just read was uploaded at the same time.
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