Valentines Day Outfits at the Mall

 Hello everyone! It was -6 degrees (F) yesterday! Naturally, I didn’t anticipate going out. So I’m lying in my bed doing nothing when my Dad tells me that he is going to the mall to get his phone fixed and asks me if I want to go. I had an order from Hot Topic that came in four days ago. The thing about Hot Topic orders is that the order can be sent back to the wearhouse if you don’t pick it up within a week. So I went to get it over with since I didn’t want to risk missing my deadline. The problem was that I had been lying in bed all day doing nothing. I had MAJOR bed head, I hadn’t brushed my teeth, I was in my pajamas, and I was on my period. My Dad was leaving right there and then so I only had time to grab some gloves and put on my white puffer jacket which has a big orange stain on it despite the fact that I barely ever wear it. I went to the mall PRAYING that I wouldn’t run into anyone I know. I was surprised that there were so many people at the mall who were only wearing a hoodie and leggings. I swear some people just have freeze resistance🤯. I actually saw someone who is in one of my classes, but I don’t know her name and she only looked at me for a second so I think she didn’t recognize me.

So I had nothing to do other than browse the Valentines Day stuff at the mall after I picked up my Hot Topic Order. Here is some of the stuff I found:

Victoria’s Secret was giving. If I actually had a life (and the cash to spend) I would totally buy some lingerie just so I could look at myself in the mirror and feel sexy. Who needs a man anyway?

Here is me embarrassing myself at Victoria’s Secret:

H&M as usual was not giving. The quality of the whole outfit looks cheap. I hate the color of the pants, and hot pink blazers make me want to throw up 🤢🤮

Express had a cute display set up. The only people you are going to see walking around the street wearing a solid red/hot pink blazer, straight leg pants, and an undergarment of the exact same color are funkily dressed celebrities on the streets of LA.

Windsor had some fun lingerie. If I actually had a man I would wear the little coat.

This was my Hot Topic order. I am very happy with it. Gonna use my Hello Kitty blanket next time I watch My Melody.


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