How Fashion Improved My Mood
So I have been feeling a little down lately. I have been doing things to improve my mood. I have been drinking more water, getting up earlier, making myself breakfast (instead of just eating the free breakfast at school), picking out my outfit the night before, doing my makeup more often, etc. Doing these things has helped to improve my mindset and mood, but none of them were as effective as what happened today. Yesterday the dress I ordered from Depop came in the mail. It’s so beautiful and what I actually want to see when I Google “Fall Dress”. Today started out in a very good mood. I got up 10 minutes after my alarm, made a bagel with cream cheese and raspberry jam for breakfast, filled my water, and did my eye makeup to match my outfit. I walked into school in a very good mood and I think a lot of it has to do with the vibes outfit and makeup gave me. I felt like a girly girl who is productively living her best life at school. Even when things were going a little boring like they usually are, I was in a better mood. I was more productive than I usually am in Physics class and I was motivated to do fashion sketches! I came up with some really cute designs which I plan to expand upon over the weekend! This just goes to show the power of fashion! 😉
My dress:
Brand is Liz Lisa
The eyeshadow I wore with it:
On a side note, here is a cute picture I took of my dogs while writing this.
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