First Week of High School Outfits: Days 3, 4, & 5
Hello everyone! Here are my outfit ideas for the next 3 days! If you are in need of some girly school outfit inspiration, or just general inspiration from my friends, read my posts for days one and two!
The weather in my area is already starting to become consistently cloudy again. With that the warm of the summer is beginning to fade. Fall is on it way, so it only makes sense to dress for the occasion. Here are two fall outfits:
The top is from Liz Lisa! This knit was my first Liz Lisa item. This top marked the beginning of my love for quality well designed clothes. It introduced me to the girly style that I now wear daily. Prior to discovering Liz Lisa, I didn’t have a personal style. I can say with confidence that having a personal style is wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy better than buying whatever cheap Instagram clothes you think are trendy. The skirt is the second Liz Lisa item I ever bought. I bought it secondhand at a surprisingly good price. Unfortunately, I would soon come to find out that secondhand Liz Lisa items don’t usually come that cheap. :(
A few days ago Liz Lisa restocked the knit top I am wearing in the above photo. Grab it before it sells out!
The colors of the print on this dress and the skirt make them both perfect for fall. You probably saw this coming, but the dress is Liz Lisa. I bought it secondhand and I’m trying to figure out what collection it’s from.I would consider the final outfit for this post a summer outfit.
This outfit is the newest addition to my wardrobe. I’m in love with how fun an vibrant it is. The beautiful cherry printed skirt is secondhand Liz Lisa. The top is secondhand Skinny Lip.
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