I Made My Own d.i.a Inspired Outfit

 Hello fashionistas! Long time no see. I haven’t shared most of the garments I have made on this blog, mostly because I rarely get the opportunity to take quality photos in any outfit at all. Today is a surprisingly sunny and warm day considering the season. So I jumped at the opportunity to take some photos in the outfit I made. The top, skirt, and bow are all designed by me! I used the leftover strip of faux fur to make a bracelet.

I have been really inspired by the brand d.i.a. Their use of animal prints and faux fur remind me of the “bold” style from the game Style Savvy Styling Star. I loved this style back then and I love it now. As someone who usually sticks to girly and feminine fashion, it’s refreshing to have a few outfits that are glitzy and flashy. I can totally see myself wearing this outfit during a night out partying with friends… save for the fact that there aren’t any parties where I live 😭🤣

Here are some inspiration photos of d.i.a clothes:

The weather is allegedly going to be sunny next week, so hopefully I will be able to take more quality photos for this blog. Prior to finishing the top that I am wearing today, I finished a pair of patchwork denim jeans. They took ages to make, and I am eager to share them.


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