Denim Peplum Top

 Hey everyone! I’ve been wanting to blog about this top I made in January for a while now. I keep running into a problem once I finish my sewing projects. That being that I don’t have anything to wear with them. I wear girly skirts almost exclusively so I don’t have any bottoms to match this top. That’s why it took me so long to feature this top on my blog. Without matching bottoms I don’t have any great photos of me wearing this top. I’m definitely going to put a pair of denim jeans onto my to-sew list. 

Can you guess what my inspiration for this top was?

It was this image of denim items hanging in a d.i.a shop! 

As soon as I capture some flattering photos of this top, I'll update this post. I didn't want to wait any longer to share it, especially since I haven't blogged about my 2024 creations yet. Currently, I'm working on a skirt to complement a recent top I made. I aim to complete it this week so I can feature it as a matching set on the blog. I’m hoping for some good weather this weekend so I can showcase a butterfly dress I made. It was the first dress I’ve ever made and I used a vintage pattern to make it. It was hard to make and I’m really proud of it!

Update: Finally got some more photos with it


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