How to Order From Michell Macaron Using Buyee
International fans of Michell Macaron might be dismayed to discover that the brand does not ship internationally, and does not offer international shipping options like brands such as Mellfy Memory, Emiria Wiz, and BoBon21. This was me when I first decided I wanted some clothes from the brand. I consulted some Jfashion lovers on discord and one recommended I used the shopping service Buyee. For those who don’t know, a shopping service is a company you pay to buy and ship items for you.
I’ve used Buyee to order from Michell Macaron twice now, so I wanted to create a post with a tutorial and my personal thoughts on using Buyee to order from “other sites”. “Other sites” being sites that Buyee isn’t partnered with.
If you haven’t already, the first step is to make an account with Buyee. This is pretty simple. You can do this by going to your “My Page”. I should probably mention here that in order place and order with Buyee you need PayPal. So if you don’t have a PayPal account you should make one.
Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and click on “Other Sites Information”
Click on “Purchase Request For Other Sites”
Fill out the information in the required fields regarding the items you would like to order.
When you are finished adding all of the items you wish to purchase, go ahead and proceed with your purchase request.
Wait for Buyee to confirm your purchase request. This usually takes 24 hours or so. Buyee will email you when your purchase request has been confirmed. The price you will be paying will be displayed in orange. However I once ended up not going through with an order because it took Buyee six days to confirm my request. It is also worth noting that Buyee isn't the best way to take advantage of a sale. I once tried to take advantage of a 70% off sale to order a skirt and a top. However when the items were confirmed I was confused to see that the prices Buyee was giving me were higher than the prices I had filled out for the purchase request. This happened because during the time it took for Buyee to confirm my purchase request, the sale had ended.
Go to your cart and scroll all the way down to the PayPal button to proceed with your purchase.
Wait for Buyee to purchase your item. This can take up to a week. Once Buyee purchases your item they will send you an email. You can check the status of your order by clicking on your card and going to the “orders” tab. It is here that I want to talk about the problem with my most recent order. Michell Macaron was having a 70% off sale on select items. On the first day of this sale I placed an order request for six items. Five of those were from the sale. My order request was confirmed. It took four days for me to have my order completed. When I checked my email I was dismayed to read that Buyee was unable to purchase five of the six items. I checked the Michell Macaron website and only one of those five items was sold out. The rest of the items had gone from being 70% off to 30% off. I assume this price change is the reason Buyee wasn’t able to purchase those four items. Had I known that this would happen I would have preferred not to order the one remaining item. However I was notified of this in the same email that said the one remaining item had already been purchased. There are two takeaways from this. The first is that trying to get an item that’s on sale using Buyee is pretty hopeless. The second is that Buyee will go through with your order even if they don’t purchase some of the items.
Once your items have arrived at the Buyee warehouse you can use PayPal to pay for your shipping. You can pay for your shipping by going to the “My Packages” tab. If you have other packages you can select them and the option to consolidate your packages into one package will show up. This will help you save on shipping costs. I should also note that Michell Macaron delivers their packages in big boxes which could cause shipping to become pricey. When I ordered three items from them in December, they all came in a big box that cost $50 to ship. I didn’t know about consolidating packages at this time. If I could go back I would have looked for a way to have that package consolidated. I consolidated my most recent order of six items and I’m paying the same amount for shipping.
If I remember correctly it took a little over a week for my last order to arrive. I ended up finding some of the items that were canceled from my current order on Mercari Japan for cheap and had them consolidated into one package with the one item that didn’t get canceled from my current order. Once those items arrive I plan on making a new Youtube video.
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